New Media Spaces
Interactive Architecture
Mixing Reality
Interactive Narratives
Designing Less Real
Rethink Digital Poetry
Nefertiti Hack
Holo Magazine
Visual Communication
Kinetic Installations
VR Installations
AV performance
Throughout this year’s conference, we will examine contemporary innovation in creative practice in the wider context of the changing role of ‘the creator’. Building on Jack Burnham’s 1968 essay “System Aesthetics”, we will investigate the shift from “Homo Faber” (Man the Maker) to “Homo Arbiter Formae” (Man the Maker of Aesthetic Decisions).
We invite you to explore the system behind the animations you see running in the background and make your own aesthetic decisions using sliders like this (scroll down for more):
This workshop is designed for anyone interested in learning about how machines can see and learn about the world around them.
Is an opportunity for digital media creatives who are interested in translating aspects of choreography and dance into digital form and applying choreographic thinking to their own practice.
Opening of the Sensorium Festival 2018 feat. Lanark Artefax (SCT) and Tomáš Prištiak (SK) at A4.
Sensorium Festival Club Night at Fuga feat.Music For Your Plants (EST).
Red Horizon creates a swarm of light and sound; a combination of chaos and precision, appearance and intention.
Created by Stella Speziali at ECAL, Tangibles Worlds explores the effects of tactile experience as a catalyst for full immersion in VR.