News & updates

Find out about the latest Sensorium developments

During this year’s Sensorium Festival Joshua Noble will be joining us from San Francisco to give a talk and lead a workshop on Computer Vision for Mixed Reality. We sat down with Joshua to talk about his fascination for Computer Vision, its wider implications for society and the complicity he fee...

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Want to attend Sensorium for free? Become our volunteer and help us make it happen. Write to with 2-3 sentences of who you are and how would you like to take part.

Looking forward to meet you!

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APPLY NOW! We are announcing our Sensorium festival artworks Open Call! If you are an artist, designer, creative coder or another creative mind, submit your proposal to present your work at the Sensorium festival 2018 now. This years' theme is Homo Arbiter Formae - man the maker of esthetic decision...

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Happy international women's day 🎉!

The role of women in technology, art and design is hugely important and we strive to support diversity in the curation of our programme as well as in the audience. To celebrate international women's day, we are releasing a secret special price ticket exclusive to...

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Údaje potrebné na vyplnenie formulára:
obchodné meno alebo názov: Imaginárium
adresa: Staničná 9, 911 05 Trenčín
právna forma: Občianske združenie
IČO: 50578952

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Ak si fyzická osoba, ktorá si podáva samostatne daňové priznanie alebo živnostník či pr...

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